13 May 2014

Will we overtake the leaders?

Russia ranked fourth in the world in terms of alcohol consumption

Copper newsRussia was ranked fourth in the ranking of countries by alcohol consumption, which was compiled by experts of the World Health Organization.

They drink more only in Belarus, Moldova and Lithuania.

Belarusians set an absolute world record for alcohol consumption. In terms of pure alcohol, every resident of the country over the age of 15 drinks an average of 17.5 liters per year. At the same time, there are about 27.5 liters for every average man, and 9.1 liters for a woman.

Moldovans were in second place (16.8 liters per year), Lithuanians were in third place (15.4 liters). In Russia, a resident over the age of 15 drinks an average of 15.1 liters of pure alcohol per year. According to WHO, strong alcoholic beverages are preferred in our country — their share is more than half of the alcohol consumed. Beer and wine follow them in popularity.

Romania and Ukraine immediately follow Russia. In general, the highest level of alcohol consumption remains in Europe. For comparison, the average worldwide is 6.2 liters per year. This is almost 2.5 times less than drinking in our country.

According to the latest WHO data, 3.3 million people worldwide died due to excessive alcohol consumption in 2012. Experts of the organization warn about the dangers of alcohol, the use of which forms dependence and increases the risk of developing more than 200 diseases, including cirrhosis of the liver and some types of cancer.

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