15 March 2013

Symposium on Plastic Surgery and Cosmetology

Ladies and gentlemen,

We have the honor to invite you to the IV International Symposium on Plastic Surgery and Cosmetology: "Combined Techniques and Biotechnologies in Aesthetic Medicine", which will be held on May 16-17, 2013 at the A.V. Vishnevsky Institute of Surgery and will be dedicated to the memory of an outstanding surgeon, Academician Arnold Aramovich Adamyan.

Based on the experience of holding a similar international educational symposium "Interdisciplinary approach to face and body correction in the field of plastic surgery and cosmetology" in 2012, "Aesthetic surgery and cosmetology in facial and periorbital rejuvenation" in February 2011 and previous symposiums, it can be noted that interdisciplinary symposiums gather a large audience of participants. More than 500 people were registered at the above-mentioned symposiums. This is due to the relevance of the problems discussed, public resonance and professional interest in it not only of plastic surgeons and cosmetologists, but also a number of professionals from related fields of medicine.

Of no small importance is the clear organization of symposiums and the competence of invited speakers who are opinion leaders in their field.

The symposium highlights current trends in plastic surgery, cosmetology and related disciplines, in particular, combinations of techniques and the use of biotechnological products will be considered. Various educational forms are expected: a three-day discussion of information in the form of reports, as well as satellite symposiums and master classes.

Despite the relevance of the topic and the growing interest of professionals in these symposiums, which have already become traditional, the success of the symposium, among other things, depends on the support of interested persons, companies and organizations such as yours. We hope that your company will assist in the organization of the international symposium "Combined techniques and biotechnologies in aesthetic medicine" and will consider the opportunity to become a sponsor of the conference and/or a participant in the exhibition organized within the framework of the symposium, which will undoubtedly have a positive impact on the company's image for both professionals and the public, since information from The symposium will be presented in a significant number of information sources.

With respect,
Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the International Symposium
"Combined techniques and biotechnologies in aesthetic medicine",
Head of the Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Cosmetology and Cellular Technologies of the FUV RNIMU named after N.I. Pirogov,
Doctor of Medical Sciences N.E. Manturova.

Details are available on the website of the Lancet Clinic.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru15.03.2013

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