13 May 2024

An antibacterial drug with a new mechanism of action has been registered

The Ministry of Health of Russia has registered an original full-cycle antibacterial drug in the Russian Federation in tablet form under the requirements of the EAEU.

The unique development of Russian scientists is intended for the treatment of bacterial infections caused by antibiotic-resistant microorganisms. Evaluation of the drug's efficacy and safety showed a favourable safety profile, high efficiency of the drug's use was confirmed.

The drug has no analogues in the world among antibacterial drugs by mechanism of action.

Resistance (resistance) to antimicrobial drugs is an inevitable biological phenomenon, and the task of medical workers is to reduce the rate of its emergence and spread.

Fluorothiazinone itself is an antimicrobial drug, it can be used in association with antibiotics, as well as on its own, which leads to weakening of those microorganisms that caused this or that infectious and inflammatory disease," said Dmitry Pushkar, chief freelance urologist of the Ministry of Health of Russia.

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