21 March 2011

The earliest prediction of future diabetes

According to the blood test, it will be possible to predict diabetes 10 years before its development
ABC MagazineA large group of American scientists from Boston and Harvard Universities has developed a new laboratory test that allows you to accurately predict the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM-2) 10 years before the first clinical symptoms of the disease.

Analyzing the metabolism of a particular person, namely, determining the content of five amino acids in the blood — isoleucine, leucine, valine, tyrosine and phenylalanine — it is possible to judge the risk of developing DM-2.

Observations were conducted on 2,422 volunteers for 12 years, 201 subsequently developed DM-2. It turned out that in people with a maximum concentration in the blood of at least three of the five amino acids listed, the risk of DM-2 is 5 times higher than in other subjects. The amino acid content was determined using liquid chromatography paired with mass spectrometry, that is, the most sensitive and accurate methods of clinical laboratory diagnostics at present. The results of the study are published in Nature Medicine: Thomas J Wang et al., Metabolite profiles and the risk of developing diabetes.

The main value of the developed methodology is the ability to predict the development of DM—2 much earlier than all existing methods allow today, including the determination of glucose tolerance, as well as analysis for glycated hemoglobin, which at the beginning of the year was recognized by WHO as the main one and recommended for use in all countries of the world. However, additional research is required that will allow us to definitively determine the value and place of the new test in a wide medical practice.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru21.03.2011

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