05 July 2013

Have you lived to old age – can you forget about dieting?

Old age can do anything: after 75 years there is no need to follow a healthy diet

neboley.comResidents of Western countries (primarily the United States) are so firmly assimilating the advice of doctors about healthy eating that even younger schoolchildren there know about "bad" cholesterol.

But after reaching a certain age, the role of the nutrition factor decreases sharply.

In the brain of a person who has decided to prolong his life, thanks to a healthy diet, intense mental work is constantly going on: the calorie counter is "working", identification of potentially harmful products and the like is taking place.

Meanwhile, according to researchers from the United States, most medical recommendations about the benefits of certain products lose their significance after a person reaches the age of 75.

Scientists from Penn State University invited 449 elderly Americans of both sexes to participate in the study. The average age in the group was 76.5 years.

Before starting the experiment, all participants underwent a thorough medical examination. For 10 months, the researchers regularly interviewed the subjects about what they ate during the week preceding the survey.

5 years later, the scientists again examined all the participants, some of whom had died by that time.

The authors did not find any connection between the nature of nutrition, the risk of death and the risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disasters (heart attacks, strokes).

Only those old people who constantly ate a large amount of sweets and consumed a lot of dairy products had some tendency to develop hypertension.

"Using terminology accessible to non-professionals, it can be argued that if a person successfully lived to such an age, it means that his body had such a large margin of safety that even improper nutrition during the previous life could not affect him. So it probably doesn't make sense to switch to a healthy diet in old age," concludes the head of this study, Professor Gordon Jensen.

Article by Hsiao et al. Dietary patterns and diet quality among diverse older adults: The University of Alabama at Birmingham study of aging published in the January issue of The journal of nutrition, health & aging; a popular retelling can be read in the press release Diet may not impact certain health outcomes in older persons on the website of the University of Pennsylvania - VM.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru05.07.2013

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