24 July 2018


Home GM plants will detect dangerous impurities in the air

Natalia Pelezneva, Naked Science

Researchers from the University of Tennessee have proposed using genetically modified houseplants as detectors of harmful substances in the air of an apartment. Such plants will be able to recognize volatile organic compounds and harmful gases, including radon. The description of the technology is published in the journal Science (Stewart Jr. et al., Houseplants as home health monitors).

It is known that plants can react to the presence of certain substances or bacteria in the air. According to scientists, this ability can be enhanced by genetic modification. To do this, you need to create plants with a large number of stomata — pores located on the surface of the leaf, through which excess water evaporates and gas exchange occurs between the plant and the external environment. With the help of additional stomata, the leaves will be able to recognize harmful substances even in small concentrations.

The authors propose to combine this technique with another existing technology that allows you to create plants that change color or glow in the presence of certain components. Most often, green fluorescent protein (GFP), originally obtained from the jellyfish Aequorea victoria, is used for this.

Modified indoor flowers will be able to detect dangerous substances of several types. The most common of them are volatile organic compounds that secrete mold fungi of the genera Aspergillus, Penicillium and Fusarium. Also, homemade flowers will indicate an increased concentration of radon. This gas is naturally released from some minerals, such as granite, and easily penetrates into the air and natural gas. Radon is considered a carcinogen, it increases the risk of lung cancer.

"Green wall" of plant detectors / © Science

According to the researchers, it is easiest to modify in this way popular indoor plants with light leaves, such as chlorophytum. The "green walls" consisting entirely of GM plants will allow identifying harmful substances most effectively.

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