24 August 2016

Will Oxitec mosquitoes be tested in Florida?

The US authorities have agreed to field trials of genetically modified mosquitoes

The creation of such mosquitoes is necessary to combat the spread of the Zika virus

Andrey Shitov, TASS

The US federal authorities have agreed to field trials of genetically modified mosquitoes to combat the spread of the Zika virus. As announced by the Food and Drug Administration under the US Department of Health (see the FDA Oxitec Mosquito – VM), its experts concluded that conducting such tests in the Florida Keys (Florida) "will not have a significant impact on the environment."

We are talking about a genetically modified variety of insects, the official name of which is mosquitoes (they are also biters) yellow–bordered (Aedes aegypti). The British biotech company Oxitec, which created the modification, claims that its method leads to "effective self-restriction" of the population of these disease vectors.

According to the company's explanations, the offspring of genetically modified mosquitoes die before reaching puberty. For the appearance of such offspring of males who do not bite themselves and do not spread diseases, mosquitoes are released in the habitats of this species to mate with ordinary wild females.

As a result, according to experts, the population of snapper decreases over time by more than 90%. This is confirmed by experiments that have already been conducted in Brazil, Panama and the Cayman Islands.

To conduct tests in the USA, according to the comments of the local press, the consent of the local authorities in the Florida Keys area itself is also required. And they are going to conduct a preliminary survey of the local population. Thus, a final decision is not expected until autumn.

The Zika virus, which can cause congenital deformities in children, is of African origin, but is now actively spreading in other regions of the world, including Central and South America.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru  24.08.2016

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