16 August 2013

Eugenics in action: moron subjected to forced vasectomy

The man was forbidden to reproduce
The Supreme Court of Great Britain upheld the decision
about vasectomy for a citizen with learning difficultiesIgor Saveliev, YTPO.Ru

For the first time in the modern history of Great Britain, a court decision will sterilize a man whom psychiatrists consider not smart enough.

The decision of the lower court was approved by the Supreme Court of the country. Lawyers believe that this man, who lives with a not very smart girlfriend like him, is not able to use contraceptives correctly, and it is impossible for such a couple to have children.

In 2010, a 36-year–old man and his girlfriend had a baby - he was diagnosed with serious developmental delays. Now the baby lives with his grandparents, who initiated the process that caused a great resonance in British society, reports the Telegraph (Man with learning difficulties to be sterilized in unprecedented court ruling). The man's name is not called, he appears in the case materials published by the court as DE. This man will be the first Briton to have a vasectomy performed against his will.

"We are not talking about a young man who is being sterilized against his will, but about people whose having a child is undesirable," said DE's lawyer Angus Moon, who was appointed by the state as a defender. The lawyer added that the case is really exceptional, and he should not open the "green light" of forced sterilization of people who are considered insufficiently perfect.

The Supreme Court's decision effectively ended a three-year process that has become one of the most debated in the UK. Since November last year, the court has banned DE from having sex, such a decision was made so that a potentially unhealthy child would not be conceived. During the four-day hearings in the Supreme Court, representatives of the Ministry of Justice insisted that a vasectomy would be the most acceptable option, since after the operation the man would be really free.

Human rights activists have already accused the British Themis of inhumanity, recalling the experiments in the field of eugenics carried out by the Nazis. According to critics, scientists can already predict thousands of inherited diseases, and the practice of forced sterilization in case of violations in the structure of DNA can become ubiquitous. Earlier, in 1999, a British court decided not to forcibly sterilize a 28-year-old man suffering from Down syndrome. At that time, the young man's mother insisted on carrying out the operation.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru16.08.2013

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