18 September 2013

Autumn... DAAD grants have flown…

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) announces admission from October 1, 2013
applications for participation in the scholarship competition for studying in Germany

Full name of the program:
Scholarships for postgraduate study for graduates of universities of all specialties (Master- und Aufbaustudiengange fur Graduierte aller wissenschaftlichen Facher), except for creative specialties and architects.

The scholarship is intended for studying in the postgraduate education system at special courses at a German university (Master- und Aufbaustudiengange), which makes it possible to obtain additional qualifications with the issuance of a German certificate of higher education (diploma, master's degree). The duration of study – depending on the chosen course – is 2-4 semesters. It is possible to study at any state university or university with state accreditation.

The scholarship is awarded from 01.10.2014 to 31.07.2015. Depending on the program of study and the results demonstrated during the first year of study, it is possible to extend the scholarship at the request of the scholarship holder for a maximum of one more year.

Target group:
Graduates of Russian universities of all specialties who received a specialist, master's or bachelor's degree no earlier than 2007.

Attention! Graduate students, both current and former, as well as candidates of sciences are not allowed to participate in the competition under this program!

The application can also be submitted by graduate students of universities who will receive a diploma of higher education before starting their studies in Germany (until 01.10.2014).

Attention! Graduate German students who wish to participate in the competition for this program are required to take into account when choosing a course that they can study in any other specialty except "Deutsch als Fremdsprache" (DaF). Only teachers of the German language of universities have the right to apply for postgraduate studies in this specialty.

Students who have independently started their Master's degree studies at German universities since the winter semester of 2013 can also apply for a DAAD scholarship for the second year of their studies.

Applicants who are already in Germany are allowed to participate in the competition, provided that the duration of their stay at the time of the opening of the competition (01.10.2013) does not exceed 15 months.

Scholarship amount:
The scholarship amount is about 750 euros per month. If the selected postgraduate study program is paid, then it is paid by the scholarship holder himself.

Language knowledge and its assessment:
Applicants must be proficient in German and/or English to the extent required to study in a specifically selected program at a German university (see the description of the conditions for participation in the program on the website of the German university).

The application is sent only by mail from 01.10.2013 to 30.11.2013 (by postmark) to the Moscow DAAD representative office by registered mail with a delivery notification.

The full text of the message about the scholarship competition is published on the website of the Moscow representative office of DAAD.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru18.09.2013

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