22 February 2017

Homeopaths don't just sell pacifiers

A report on the death of children from a homeopathic drug has been published

Ilya Vedmedenko, Naked Science

According to a new report submitted by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), hundreds of children have been affected by Hyland's Teething Tablets homeopathic medicine.

Homeopathy, as it is known, is a type of alternative medicine acting on the principle of treating like-like. This direction, traditionally considered by scientists as a vicious practice, was nevertheless recognized by many as relatively "harmless" (unless, of course, it was used as an alternative to full-fledged treatment). The fact is that the homeopathic method involves diluting the components to such an extent that the drugs often have no effect at all. Studies show that in preparations with dilutions of 12C or more, the probability of the presence of even one molecule of the active substance is close to zero.

But experts from the US Food and Drug Administration have declared a serious danger posed by Hyland's Teething Tablets. Experts found out that he was involved in 400 cases of complications and even the death of children. The findings of the investigation were published in the journal STAT (Homeopathic remedies harmed hundreds of babies, families say, as FDA investigated for years).

The cause of complications was the belladonna contained in the drug – a poisonous plant that can lead to death from respiratory arrest. Hyland's Teething Tablets users have experienced seizures, seizures, delirium and respiratory arrest. The analysis showed that the tablets do contain toxic substances that are extremely dangerous to health.

The results of the investigation caused public outrage: both the manufacturer of the drug (Hyland's company) and the work of FDA experts who spent ten years "fighting" with Hyland's were criticized. It should also be noted that the company itself does not admit guilt, claiming that the cause of complications lies in the individual characteristics of the child's body.

Earlier, the commission of the Russian Academy of Sciences recognized homeopathy as a pseudoscience and demanded that the use of such "medicines" be controlled as strictly as possible. 

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru  22.02.2017

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