09 October 2014

Tremble, charlatans!

30 million rubles will be spent on the fight against pseudoscience in Russia

<url>The Commission of the Russian Academy of Sciences on Combating Pseudoscience and Falsification of Scientific Research and the Ministry of Defense of Science plan to spend about 30 million rubles to refute pseudoscientific knowledge, Izvestia reported on Tuesday, October 7.

They are going to expose false scientific information through social networks and the media.

In addition, according to the ministry, schoolchildren will be offered testing for basic natural science knowledge in order to identify the most common pseudoscientific misconceptions.

The media selected by the Academy and the Ministry will not only describe various types of pseudoscience, but also promote the achievements of fundamental research. For these purposes, it is planned to organize a School for a young scientific journalist with the involvement of leading experts in this field.

Chairman of the RAS Commission on combating pseudoscience and falsification of scientific research Yevgeny Alexandrov noted that most of all people trust unverified facts in the field of medicine.

"The problem is really big, and people need to be informed about such things. At the moment, the center of gravity has shifted – if earlier pseudoscience tried to grab money that went to the defense industry, throwing idiotic projects to create gravity guns and other nonsense, now the problem has moved to the medical industry," he said.

Dmitry Novikov, First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Science and High-Tech Technologies, believes that the time has come to bring the issue of pseudoscience to legislative discussion. In his opinion, it is necessary to educate the population from the school bench so that people do not succumb to the tricks of charlatans.

On February 5, 2014, the President of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladimir Fortov, stated that about as many people are engaged in pseudoscience in the modern world as in science. According to him, about a million healers work in Russia, whose turnover is several billion rubles a year.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru09.10.2014

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