18 May 2016

A new wound healing mechanism

Scientists have discovered the healing properties of cells with additional DNA

Denis Strigun, Naked Science

Specialists of the MDI biological laboratory have discovered a mechanism of tissue regeneration based on manipulations with the volume and mass of cells. During the experiments, scientists found out that growth stimulation is potentially more effective than cell division.

The mechanism of wound-induced polyploidization (WIP) is to increase the size of existing cells by growing the sets of chromosomes contained in them to three or more. Unlike WIP, another regenerative mechanism – cell division – has quantitative limitations in the case of many higher organisms, including humans.

The discovery of WIP was made as part of studies on fruit flies and confirmed in mice with endothelial corneal dystrophy. Observation of the latter, in particular, showed that cells enlarged as a result of polyploidization more fully compensate for the affected areas.

Previously, the presence of extra-large cells in the body was perceived as a sign of pathology.

"Our work indicates that the destruction of the cellular structure caused by cell loss or injury involves various recovery mechanisms – division or growth – depending on the conditions. Now that we are convinced that WIP is widely used by the body for therapeutic purposes, we can begin to search for genes or drugs that promote regeneration through the production of these giant cells," said MDI associate professor Vicki Losik in a press release New Mechanism for Wound Healing Identified by MDI Biological Laboratory Scientist.

In her opinion, the results of the study have enormous therapeutic potential and can be used both when working with head injuries and inflammatory processes, and when solving the problem of aging.

Article by Losick et al. Wound-Induced Polyploidization: Regulation by Hippo and JNK Signaling and Conservation in Mammals is published in the journal PLOS ONE – VM.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru  18.05.2016

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