30 March 2016

Obesity and prediabetes

The main cause of obesity was called chronic inflammation


Japanese scientists from the Institute of Biomedical Sciences of Tokushima University have discovered that DNA from dead fat cells can cause obesity. The study was published in the journal Science Advances (Nishimoto et al., Obesity-induced DNA released from adipocytes stimulates chronic adipose tissue inflammation and insulin resistance).

The authors of the work used mice to show them how chronic inflammation of tissues leads to the appearance of excess weight. They pointed out that a possible culprit could be the TLR9 protein, which ensures the functioning of innate immunity.

Obesity is a sign of inflammatory processes that also cause related diseases such as resistance to insulin, an enzyme that lowers blood glucose levels. The mechanisms of such processes remain largely unknown, but in a new study, scientists have demonstrated that the isolation of DNA from adipose tissue cells – adipocytes – can provoke inflammation.

In mice whose three-month diet was characterized by an increased fat content, there was an increase in the activity of the TLR9 protein in adipose tissue, as well as a high content of free DNA in the blood. In addition, scientists have found out that macrophages are responsible for the synthesis of TLR9 – absorbing foreign and toxic agents for the body.

The researchers suppressed TLR9 synthesis, which reduced the accumulation of macrophages in adipose tissue, reduced inflammation and increased insulin sensitivity. Analysis of human plasma samples showed that the level of non-cellular DNA in the blood correlates well with obesity and insulin resistance.

Earlier, scientists from Copenhagen showed that obesity in men can cause changes in their sperm through epigenetic mechanisms and increase the tendency to obesity in their children.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru  30.03.2016

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