20 February 2014

Owners of Androids, help proteomics!

"Power Sleep" allows you to use your phone for research while you sleep

ZIV.ruToday, everyone has a mobile phone, which in its capabilities is not much inferior to a computer.

When we sleep, these millions of mobile computers are idle. Scientists of the Faculty of Biology at the University of Vienna decided to use this potential and, with the support of Samsung Electronics, developed a software application "Power Sleep" for Android-based mobile phones. The "Power Sleep" program allows, with the permission of the owner, to use the computing power of the phone for scientific calculations during his sleep.

The "Power Sleep" program works on the principle of an alarm clock. When the owner turns on the alarm clock, the phone connected to Wi-Fi, with a fully charged battery, starts working with the information flow from the SIMAP database about the similarity of different types of proteins. The ultimate goal of the program research is to decipher the protein sequence in order to use the found patterns in various fields of medicine, such as oncology, heredity, genetics, biochemistry.

Thomas Rattei, professor of computer science in biology at the University of Vienna, argues that in order to effectively combat diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, it is very important to know the organization of proteins. Such research requires large computing power, which the university cannot always provide. According to him, this program allows you to connect the owners of mobile phones in Austria to the study. At night, when a person sleeps, his phone actively participates in scientific research.

With the help of the "Power Sleep" program, the computing power of mobile phones begins to work within the framework of the Berkeley University BOINC software platform, which connects and uses the power of approximately 60,000 personal computers worldwide. The program for mobile phones "Power Sleep" significantly expands the capabilities of the BOINC platform, since, according to Martin Wallner, director of the Austrian branch of Samsung for high technologies in mobile phones, their capabilities are often not inferior to PCs.

The "Power Sleep" program is accessible and easy to use. Any user can install this program from the display of his mobile phone, it is impossible to install several such programs on one phone. This program has the functions of call signals, daily repetition of the program using the 3G network. The program has a built-in information function for viewing data about this program, the amount of time that the phone has worked in the mode of this program.

Power Sleep works on smartphones based on Android 2.3 and higher; you can download the program in Google Play – VM.

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