16 April 2015

Precision medicine – state support

US to spend $3 million on precision medicine


California Governor Jerry Brown has allocated $3 million from the state budget to create a project aimed at developing precision medicine – a treatment model that assumes an individual approach to the patient, including taking into account his genetic and biochemical characteristics.

A project called California Initiative to Advance Precision Medicine, operating within the framework of medical care at the University of California (University of California Health System, UC), which includes five medical centers.

The aim of the project is to develop approaches to the treatment of patients taking into account information from their medical history, genetic predispositions, economic and social status.

The result of the study should be data explaining why the course of the same diseases, for example, asthma, stroke and malignant neoplasms, differs in different racial and ethnic groups, reports Daily Bruin (more about this is written in a press release UCSF California Launches Initiative to Advance Precision Medicine - VM).

The project will use a large array of data obtained from various sources, including data on health and physical activity, collected using special applications for smartphones.

Researchers will soon begin to cooperate with other large-scale developments, one of which is designed to combine a database of medical histories of volunteers with information obtained during the study of patient tissue samples.

The analysis of the data collected during the work will be carried out in one of the departments of the University of California, where an information storage and processing system has been created specifically for this purpose.

There is also a project to study the genetic component of diseases in the UK, where a few years ago the project "100 thousand genomes" was launched, in the implementation of which large pharmaceutical companies decided to help.

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