07 March 2018

Alternative aging


Susie Grant – a former news anchor, and now advanced user of social networks. Inspired by the documentary film about Ari Seth Cohen, who took to the streets of the city and photographed beautiful women of different ages, it's in 2014 created a blog and dedicated it to active aging.

Susie inspired by his example, those over 50. Aging is not extinction, on the contrary, it is the right time to enjoy a full life, full of positive emotions and an amazing experience.

For three years microblogging Susie Grant gained thousands of subscribers on her page in Instagram and Facebook visited by about 20,000 people. "Now my blog is a successful combination of fashion, recipes, and lifestyle, I call beautiful women to look wonderful and feel good regardless of the number of candles on the cake!".

In 50 years, Susie noticed that began to lose interest in itself from others. Then she realized that it's not gray hair, and in relation to itself.

Confidence can lift a person to an unprecedented height, and it has nothing to do with age. "At 60, I felt more necessary than 50! I no longer feel invisible pensioner. My goal is to share my experience so that you too can enjoy every day like I do!"

Now Susie Grant leads an active life and eat right, but it was not always so. While working as a television and radiorecorder she smoked a lot and abused alcohol. But twenty years ago, her mother died of a heart attack at the age of 63 years. This event made a Grant to reconsider their attitude to their health.

Susie Grant has written three books on healthy lifestyles, on their social media pages it publishes striking photos that show her attitude, bold style and thirst for life.

Aminat adzhieva, the portal of "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru websites http://www.alternativeageing.net/ and https://www.instagram.com/alternativeageing/

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