20 September 2013

Tattoo for measuring temperature and stress levels

A tattoo thermometer with a "mind reading" function has been developed

Copper news

Researchers from the Beckman Institute at the University of Illinois have developed a flexible thermometer with a thickness of only 50 microns, which is sprayed on the skin like children's tattoos. This thermometer will be able not only to determine the temperature of the human body, but also to assess its mental state.

According to The Verge (Electronic tattoo tracks the heat running through your veins), the novelty is able to track the smallest changes in body temperature, that is, to do the work that only complex and expensive systems can do today. For example, such as a photo installation that takes pictures in infrared radiation. However, such equipment not only costs about 250 thousand dollars, but also requires immobility from the patient, whereas the created flexible thermometer allows a person to do whatever he wants.

According to the researchers, their development allows real-time monitoring of such weak changes in body temperature that they can be used to judge the compression and expansion of blood vessels, assess the state of the cardiovascular system with their help, and even determine whether a person is experiencing stress and what his mental state is.

The creators of the thermometer propose to make sensors from thin gold wire or silicon membranes fixed on an ultra-thin rubber substrate with holes for breathing the skin. The created prototype also allows you to read clinically useful information about the characteristics of blood flow and the level of skin moisture. Finally, sensors can also be used to heat the skin, which is useful in some types of therapy, as well as for more efficient delivery of drugs directly into the circulatory system.

At the moment, an electrode is used to read the data, which touches the "thermometer". In the future, the researchers plan to modify the device so that it transmits data wirelessly.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru20.09.2013

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