18 September 2014

Diabetics, drop the syringe – buy a pump!

The use of an insulin pump is associated with a reduced risk of death

RemediumUsing an insulin pump reduces the risk of death by 29% compared to regular injections of insulin several times a day.

This conclusion was reached by scientists based on the results of a study involving more than 18 thousand people, according to a press release posted on the Eurekalert portal (Study shows users of insulin pumps are at 29 percent lower risk of death compared with patients on insulin injections).

Employees of the Swedish University of Gothenburg collected data on 18168 patients with type 1 diabetes, of which 2441 people used an insulin pump for 7 years, and 15727 injected insulin. The information was obtained from the Swedish National Diabetes Registry.

After analyzing the data obtained, the authors concluded that against the background of the use of an insulin pump, the overall risk of death of the patient is reduced by 29%. At the same time, the probability of a fatal outcome of cardiovascular diseases is reduced by 43%. It was also determined that the installation of an insulin pump is associated with an 18 percent reduction in the likelihood of developing coronary heart disease.

Scientists have concluded that the use of an insulin pump in the long term has a number of advantages.

Earlier, researchers from the Regional Medical Center at the University of Caen conducted a large-scale study confirming the greater effectiveness of using insulin pumps for type 2 diabetes compared to conventional insulin injections.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru18.09.2014

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