17 July 2018

Drink, uncles, milk

Fatty dairy products called safe for the heart

Natalia Pelezneva, Naked Science

American researchers have concluded that whole non-skimmed milk and its products do not increase the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. According to scientists, some components of fatty milk, on the contrary, can reduce the likelihood of stroke. The study was published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

The study involved 2,907 Americans over the age of 65. At the beginning of the study in 1992, none of them suffered from heart and vascular diseases. The health status of the volunteers was monitored for 22 years — during this time, 833 volunteers died of cardiovascular diseases, and 1301 suffered a heart attack or stroke.

The researchers studied the levels of three fatty acids (pentadecanoic, margarine and trans-palmitoleic) in the blood plasma of volunteers. The level of these acids in the body depends on the regularity of consumption of milk fat. People gave blood for analysis three times: at the beginning of the study, and then — six and 13 years later. Scientists compared these data with information about what cardiovascular diseases a person had experienced and what caused his death: by 2014, 2,428 study participants had died.

The authors did not find a link between the level of these acids in the body and an increased risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, including coronary heart disease and stroke. Markers of whole milk consumption had virtually no effect on mortality from these diseases. The exception was margarine acid: its high level reduced the risk of death from stroke by 42% compared to patients whose level was minimal.

Scientists claim that low-fat dairy products often contain a lot of added sugar, while they lack the substances necessary for the body, for example, fat-soluble vitamin A.

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