16 November 2023

Endocrinologist named the main mistake that prevents weight loss

When people try to get in shape, they restrict their diet and often make one of the biggest mistakes of weight loss: completely eliminating one of the macronutrients - proteins, fats or carbohydrates. But a carbohydrate-free, protein-free and fat-free diet is detrimental to health, and the weight in the long term can return, and even with excess. Zukhra Pavlova, an endocrinologist at the MSU clinic, said.

"Lack of balance in the diet can lead to gastrointestinal disorders, lack of vitamins and minerals, headaches, weakness and other unpleasant consequences," - said Dr. Pavlova.

Protein deficiency is the cause of edema and loss of muscle mass

"Lack of protein is one of the causes of edema. The liquid part of the blood simply ceases to be held in the vessels and rushes into the tissues. Also, without protein, the skin loses its elasticity and wrinkles appear. Protein is the basis for hormones, body cells, enzymes, immune cells - yes for everything! The important thing is that the body can't get this component from anywhere but food (or your muscles, which is not a good thing)," the expert explained.

Carbohydrates are needed for energy

Carbohydrates fulfill the body's need for energy. "If you completely eliminate them from your diet, they will be compensated by protein. This is not the most rational approach. The main consequence of a lack of carbohydrates is hypoglycemia (low blood glucose levels), which is expressed in weakness, dizziness, nausea, trembling in the hands," says the endocrinologist.

Fats are needed

"Lack of body fat is just as bad as excess. It increases the risk of sudden death, osteoporosis and other diseases. It provides the body with long-term energy," Dr. Pavlova notes.

How to balance the diet

According to the recommendations of the WHO and the Ministry of Health of Russia, each meal should contain approximately 30% proteins, 30% fats and 40% carbohydrates. "If the body is deficient in any of the macronutrients, the feeling of satiety will quickly pass, and the person will want to eat again. Therefore, from a conditional glass of kefir will be much more useful if you drink it in a snack with vegetables or a piece of bread. But remember - do not drink kefir at night!" - advises Zukhra Pavlova.

Conclusion: if and limit calories, then necessarily observing the balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates (the same 30:30:40). "In combination with physical activity, this can speed up the weight loss process," the expert concluded.

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