31 August 2012

Have you become weak-eyed in your old age?

Vision problems in old age

Victor Shem, KM.RUUnlike calendar autumn, the autumn of life comes once and for all.

And with it – and eye diseases

In autumn, sometimes our eyes are caressed by carpets of leaves under our feet, gardens flaming with gold, the last days of Indian summer. The autumn of life also brings a lot of bright feelings and impressions – a well-deserved rest, the birth of grandchildren, the opportunity to acquire an interesting hobby, etc. And I want to have as many beautiful and bright days in old age as possible.

But just as every warm autumn sooner or later is replaced by changeable weather, cold rains and chilly wind, rarely anyone, having lived to old age, does not face health problems.

The four main ailments"Autumn is eight changes," says a folk proverb.

Today, a person's well-being can be excellent, and tomorrow, holding his hand over his heart, he has to call a doctor or go to a polyclinic. It is unpleasant to suffer from arthritis, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and many other ailments, but when vision deteriorates, there is a fear of blindness and loss of self-sufficiency.

By about 65 years of age, one elderly person out of three vision deteriorates due to the development of a particular eye disease. In addition to hyperopia, which occurs everywhere in older people, when the lens of the eye becomes denser and less elastic, making it difficult to focus on objects in the vicinity, there are 4 serious diseases, the occurrence of which is often directly related to age–related changes in the body - cataract, glaucoma, age-related macular degeneration and diabetic retinopathy.

Cataract occurs when the lens and its capsule become cloudy. The lens consists mainly of water and proteins. If the proteins stick together, this manifests itself in the clouding of a small area of the lens of the eye. This is a dense mass of proteins and is a cataract. It can increase in size, gradually impairing vision. When the lens is completely clouded, objective vision is completely lost, a person can only distinguish between the presence of light or its absence, its brightness. Therefore, early diagnosis of cataracts is important in order to prescribe treatment in time.

Cataract is characterized by the following symptoms, the presence of which should alert and direct you to an optometrist – this is photophobia, when people can complain that the light from a lamp or the sun constantly hurts their eyes. In addition, there may be a feeling of some fog that prevents you from seeing clearly.

Methods of cataract treatment depend on the degree of its development. The appearance of senile cataracts is associated with a violation of oxidative processes in the lens caused by a lack of ascorbic acid in the body. Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) deficiency in the body is also of great importance in the development of senile cataracts.

Therefore, in the early stages, vitamin B2 and ascorbic acid are prescribed orally, as well as riboflavin drops that need to be instilled into the eyes.

If the cataract is in a neglected state, then in this case only surgical intervention can help.

Glaucoma is an increase in intraocular pressure that damages the optic nerve of the eye. Often this disease lasts for a long time without any initial symptoms. About a million people in the world live with this disease, unaware of its presence. But glaucoma is very dangerous, without appropriate treatment it can lead to complete blindness!

Factors that can provoke the appearance of glaucoma are both natural aging of the body, and taking steroid medications, as well as myopia.

Treatment of glaucoma consists in normalization and control of fundus pressure. There are both medical treatment (in eye drops, etc.) and surgical intervention – trabeculectomy. There is also a more progressive method of laser therapy called trabeculoplasty.

Remember: glaucoma, like cataracts, can be a hereditary disease. Everyone whose blood relatives have ever suffered from this disease is at risk.

Macular degeneration is an atrophy of the most sensitive area of the retina, the macula, responsible for examining small details of objects. People suffering from this disease rarely develop complete blindness, but there is a sharp decrease in visual acuity. This disease deprives a person of the ability to read, drive a car and perform many other everyday functions. In addition, the ability to distinguish shades of color disappears.

The treatment is surgical intervention, and the use of laser therapy. At the same time, it may be necessary to wear glasses and take medications that will stop macular degeneration.

About 46 percent of people over the age of 75 may have various forms of this disease. In the same way as the previous diseases mentioned by us, this ailment can be inherited. The chances of getting sick with this disease are greatly increased if a person is an avid smoker!

Diabetic retinopathy always occurs only as a severe "supplement" to diabetes mellitus. Diabetes causes abnormal changes in the blood vessels of the retina. Blood vessels lose their density and hemorrhages occur in various areas of the eye. Then these blood vessels can die off and peel off. As a result, a person can see a "smeared", sometimes distorted image. This disease may be accompanied by partial loss of vision and a feeling of pain in the eyes.

In fact, there is no treatment for diabetic retinopathy. But laser therapy (photocoagulation) is usually an effective method to prevent vision loss. This operation must be done before the retina of the eye is severely damaged. Surgical removal of the so-called vitreous body, or part of it, is also practiced, which also helps in improving vision in this disease.

Caring for an unclouded eyeAll of these diseases are very serious, and can lead to senile visual disability if appropriate treatment is not detected and started in time.

Therefore, it is important to visit an optometrist at the slightest visual disturbances or incomprehensible symptoms.

Over the age of 45, visual acuity should be checked annually, even if there are no alarming symptoms. Starting from the age of 55, an annual study of visual acuity should be supplemented with measurement of intraocular pressure, examination of the fundus. Normally, intraocular pressure should be in the range of 18-26 mmHg.

Visual hygiene also plays a huge role in prevention. Let 's list a few of its most important points:

  • Make sure that the lighting is correct. The best illumination is provided by reflected sunlight. Direct sunlight is not recommended for elderly people, it can irritate the nervous system, causing unpleasant sensations in the eyes. Windows should preferably be covered with light curtains, and if daylight is not enough, you can supplement it with artificial lighting sources.
  • When reading a book or newspaper should be kept at a distance of 35-40 cm from the eyes. If you often have to read lying down, for example, during recovery after an illness, then you should not throw your head back too much, putting it on a high-raised pillow. Also, try to carefully monitor the intervals for rest, so as not to overload your vision. It is advisable to place a lamp next to it so that it illuminates a book or newspaper well, but does not shine directly into the eyes.
  • Strive to rest more – any work should be interrupted for a few minutes every 1-1.5 hours. Try to limit physical and nervous stress. Excessive stress negatively affects vision, contributing to the progression of eye diseases. The maximum weight that can be lifted should be no more than 10 kilograms.

ResumeOld age is not always an infirm time of life.

Just do not forget that the time of intensive work, which is called wear and tear, has already passed. Elderly people need to work, mainly directing the wise word and advice of the young and inexperienced, and leave physical work, if possible, to children and grandchildren. As they say, bless them for their exploits. Then, over the years, your gaze will only become wiser and more affectionate, and your eyes will never be affected by the seal of a serious illness.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru31.08.2012

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