12 November 2009

Myths about aphrodisiacs

Dinner of the heartthrob 

Official medicine considers aphrodisiacs (the means of strengthening the love ailment, named after the Greek goddess of love Aphrodite), a relic of the past and considers them as part of the cultural heritage of various peoples.

Any of you will easily find a lot of recipes for dishes, herbal remedies and biologically active additives to increase sexual needs and capabilities. But before you rush headlong into the pool of experiments on yourself, you should think about the possible consequences and choose the most harmless options. Only drugs with annotations like this are better not to try:

What is possible if you really want, and what is not

At first glance, the first assistant in matters of the heart is alcohol – due to a temporary improvement in mood, emancipation, removal of social and ethical prohibitions. Just don't get carried away: in large doses, ethyl alcohol is a depressant, so sexual arousal caused by copious libation can end in a shameful failure in bed. The best thing about this is said in "Macbeth": ... a good drink, one might say, does nothing but twist the soul with debauchery: it will excite and weaken, it will ignite and extinguish, it will tease and deceive, it will lift, but it will not let you stand…

But only irreconcilable fighters for sobriety can exclude traditional champagne with chocolate or strawberries from the menu of a romantic dinner. Carbon dioxide promotes the absorption of alcohol and carbohydrates by brain cells, chocolate is known for its ability to trigger the synthesis of endorphins – the so–called pleasure hormones that enhance sexual arousal, and fruit acids stimulate the production of androgens - male sex hormones that increase sexual arousal in both sexes.

Narcotic plants known from time immemorial (cannabis, coca and opium poppy) and their synthetic analogues can "release the brakes" even better than alcohol. But it's better somehow without drugs than somehow with them - and with all the well-known consequences.

Recipes of drinks of "erotic cuisine":
For men: horseradish

By 10 (beware of overdose!) servings: 500 ml of vodka, a small horseradish root, 2 tablespoons of honey.
One horseradish :) grate on a coarse grater. Add honey, mix thoroughly. You can add a quarter of a pod of hot pepper. Transfer the mixture to a clean bottle. Pour in a little vodka and shake it hard. Add the remaining vodka, mix and insist for 2-3 days, then strain. To soften the taste, add 1-1.5 tablespoons of lemon juice.
For ladies: hot chocolate with cinnamon
For 6 servings: 700 ml of milk with a fat content of 3.5%, 300 ml of cream with a fat content of 20%, 2 cinnamon sticks, 200 g of chocolate bars with a cocoa content of 55%.
Mix milk and cream, bring to a boil, but do not boil. Grind the cinnamon coarsely in a mortar. Remove the pan from the heat, add the ground cinnamon, insist for 5 minutes. Strain through a fine sieve, add pieces of chocolate and mix well with a whisk.

Debunked legends

Spanish flies (in fact, they are not flies, but metallic-green beetles up to 2 cm long) are one of the most famous ancient aphrodisiacs.

The famous libertine Marquis de Sade added powder from dried Spanish flies to the food of his guests and enjoyed the orgies that took place afterwards, and once, when visiting a brothel, he treated prostitutes with wine with Spanish flies, who, getting hot, arranged a hunt for men passing down the street. If this is fiction, then it is quite plausible: Lytta vesicatoria (ash tree trunk) and its relatives belong to the family Meloidae – abscess beetles. The body of these insects that feed on the leaves of trees and shrubs contains cantharidin, a poisonous substance that causes severe irritation of the genitourinary system and a rush of blood and a strong burning sensation in the relevant organs.

Unlike the ash veneer itself, the structural formula of cantharidin – anhydride is 2,3-dimethyl-7-oxabicyclo[2.2.1]heptane-2,3-dicarboxylic acid, C10H12O4 – very similar to a fly. The lethal dose of cantharidine for a person with a single oral intake is 40-80 mg, and regular use of small doses is fraught with the development of priapism (permanent erection) in men and swelling of the genitals in women. Cantharidin also affects the liver, gastrointestinal tract and central nervous system. The most harmless side effect of abuse of this drug is scarring of the urethra, and the most undesirable is death. Drops containing (at least, according to manufacturers and sellers) an alcoholic solution of cantharidine can be bought if desired, but it is better not to. The same can be achieved with the help of pharmacy drugs with much less potential complications.

The tincture from the Spanish fly, with all its shortcomings, contains an undoubtedly active chemical substance. And the effect of another legendary aphrodisiac – rhino horn powder – can only be explained by sympathetic magic, according to which objects that are similar in appearance or have been in direct contact form a supernatural connection with each other. Due to the vagaries of oriental medicine, the smallest species of rhinoceros, Sumatran, and two other Asian species, Indian and Javanese, have almost died out. African species – black and white rhinos – are also on the verge of extermination, although many firms selling the cherished drug claim that they do without murder and use the horns of animals that died of natural causes politically correctly. You might as well pound cow horns and hooves: both they and the legendary rhino horn (it's actually not a horn, but a fused tuft of wool), and your own hair mainly consist of keratin protein that is not digested even in the stomachs of hyenas.

Unlike rhinoceros horns, another Chinese folk medicine – an extract of uncured young antlers (antlers) of deer – has entered the official pharmacopoeia. In addition to magic, antler preparations contain biologically active substances that increase blood pressure, general (and, obviously, sexual) performance, activity of the central nervous and cardiovascular systems, skeletal muscle tone and intestinal motor activity. It should be taken half an hour before... eating, and not what you thought. And preferably not from time to time, but regular courses.

Another purely magical love potion is mutton or bull testicles. If in a restaurant of Latin American cuisine you will be assured that dishes from them have a beneficial effect on male strength due to the content of a large amount of testosterone in it - do not believe it. When heated, the hormone contained in the testicles is destroyed. But there is no harm, and the effect of auto-suggestion may well manifest itself.

In the image and likeness

Oysters have gained legendary fame as an aphrodisiac not only because of their piquant form. As hermaphrodites, possessing the characteristics of both sexes, they carry a double (magical!) a charge of sexual energy. The same fact formed the basis of another legend, according to which eating oysters shifts sexual orientation in an unconventional direction.

An old joke: oysters, oysters… It's all lies: yesterday I ate a dozen, but only five worked!

In fact, oysters, especially with regular intake, and not half an hour before, have a positive effect on health in general and potency in particular due to the high content of easily digestible proteins and trace elements, especially zinc, necessary for the synthesis of male sex hormones. If you can't afford oysters, don't worry: there is a lot of zinc in other seafood. And even a handful of hazelnuts or pumpkin seeds will provide you with its daily norm.
Due to the similarity with the genitals or the figure of a person, a whole group of drugs turned out to be on the list of aphrodisiacs. Let's start again with the most dangerous.

In the Middle Ages, the mandrake root, similar to a human figure, was considered very effective. It was possible to dig it out only on the night of the solstice, while it was necessary to try not to get a heartbreak from the heart-rending scream emitted by the root when it was extracted from the ground. In fact, the mandrake belonging to the solanaceae family contains the poisonous alkaloids atropine and scopolamine. These substances cause a general excitation of the nervous system and are used in small doses in medicine, and their overdose can lead not only to hallucinations and psychosis, but also to death.
Non-dangerous and even useful remedies from this list include ginseng root, which also looks like a man, parsley, celery and horseradish roots, and avocado fruits (guess what it all looks like). "Avocado" is a reinterpreted word ahuacatl several times, which the descendants of the Aztecs, who still speak Nahuatl, call both this fruit and testicles (not chicken eggs).

What will help us?

From the above it is clear that the effect of aphrodisiacs (not counting the placebo effect) is due to the content of various substances that affect both the body as a whole and individual organs and systems (sexual, nervous, cardiovascular).

Placebo (lat. I will like it) is a dummy tablet that does not contain any medicinal substances, but in appearance (smell, taste) imitates a medicine. It is used to control the clinical study of the effects of new drugs, when one group of patients is given a placebo, and the other is given a real medicine. In some cases (for example, as antidepressants, analgesics, antiallergic agents), placebo relieves the condition in more than half of the patients from the control group.

The list of such products is almost endless, and if you set out to improve your sex life by enriching your diet, you don't have to chase expensive curiosities: homegrown vegetables and fruits can work just as well.

Let's make a list of aphrodisiacs that, in addition to their availability and edibility, meet at least one of the following requirements:
– easily absorbed with the release of a sufficiently large amount of energy, without leaving a feeling of heaviness in the stomach;
– contain vitamins and trace elements that affect the functions of the sex glands, the synthesis of sex hormones and sperm (zinc, selenium, vitamins A, E, B1);
– enhance blood circulation, especially in the pelvic organs;
– tone up the body and increase its endurance and efficiency (vitamins C, E);
– improve the emotional state.

Aloe (agave) may still live on your windowsill. If not, its extract can be bought at a pharmacy. In addition to antiseptic action and strengthening immunity, aloe is rumored to increase blood flow to the genitals. The bitter taste of the juice can be drowned out with honey – however, the drink will still look like medicine.
Bananas are rich in potassium and carbohydrates and are in second place after chocolate in their ability to stimulate the production of endorphins (ice cream is in third place).
Mushrooms are rich in zinc.
Caviar contains a lot of full-fledged proteins, fat, vitamins A and D, zinc and other trace elements.
Sesame is very nutritious, contains a lot of vitamin E.
Onions and garlic stimulate blood circulation and contain a lot of vitamin C, zinc, phosphorus, magnesium and iron. They interfere with making new acquaintances, but are suitable for joint use.
Honey contains fructose, which is absorbed better and faster than sucrose, and in the liver it is easier than other sugars to turn into glycogen – an emergency supply of carbohydrates. Honey and especially bee pollen contain a lot of restorative biologically active substances.
Seafood is rich in iodine, zinc and other trace elements. There are practically no nutrients in algae, but fish and shellfish are a source of full-fledged proteins, essential fatty acids and fat-soluble vitamins E and D.
Olives, olive oil is easily digested, contains essential fatty acids and fat-soluble vitamins, improves digestion.
Nuts are a very nutritious product. In addition to protein and vegetable fats (up to 55%), they contain various vitamins and trace elements. Almonds are especially rich in vitamin E, and pistachios are rich in zinc.
Wheat seedlings contain a large amount of vitamins and other biologically active substances.
Celery and its relatives, parsley and a plant with the expressive name of lovage, have a pronounced magical effect due to the shape and size of the roots (especially in lovage, whose bushes reach a height of two meters). In addition, their tops and roots contain a lot of vitamins and trace elements.
Dates – the "bread of the desert" – contain up to 70% of easily digestible carbohydrates (see also "Honey") and a lot of potassium, which, according to Bedouin folk medicine, compensates for the effect of coffee, excessively invigorating (among other organs) the heart muscle.

The basis of the daily diet of the pyramid builders were three tortillas and products directly related to the topic of this article: three jugs of beer, garlic and onions plus a handful of dates for dessert. Perhaps not by chance: the next pharaoh will need new workers…

Horseradish is a plant antibiotic, contains vitamin C, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron. See also "Celery".
Chocolate stimulates the production of pleasure hormones – endorphins, uplifting and causing positive emotions. It is a source of high-calorie fats and carbohydrates.
Eggs are a source of easily digestible protein, vitamins A, B1 and zinc.

This list is far from complete, but the basic principles of the selection of aphrodisiac products are obvious. Experiment, guided by your gastronomic preferences, imagination and common sense. You can add a small amount of alcohol to dinner "before" and just need – various spices that not only enrich the taste of dishes, but are themselves aphrodisiacs. Special attention should be paid to anise, basil, vanilla, angelica, ginger, cardamom, coriander, cinnamon, lovage (and celery and parsley equated to it), marjoram, nutmeg, red and black pepper, celery, cumin, dill, fennel.

Aromas of passion

Most substances of vegetable origin, which are traditionally called aromatic oils, are not oils (fats), but esters, aldehydes or aromatic alcohols. Many of them are extremely volatile and are used in the form of oil solutions or alcohol extracts. They are united by one thing – the presence of a subtle multi-faceted fragrance. According to the claims of aromatherapists (not confirmed by scientifically based methods, but for what we bought – for that we sell), many herbal fragrances increase muscle tone, improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs, normalize the work of endocrine glands, suppress inflammatory processes, charge with positive emotions, awaken sexual desire and increase potency.
In the southern countries – India, Egypt, China and Greece, the homeland of most aromatic plants – aromatic oils have been used for thousands of years to seduce and create a romantic atmosphere. They are used to fragrance underwear and bed linen, fumigate rooms, apply them to the skin and hair, use for massage and baths. Traditionally, women are engaged in all these things, so we will leave their description to ladies' magazines, but strong representatives of this world are quite capable of creating an erotic atmosphere in their car by dropping a couple of drops of oil on the fragrance hanging powerlessly over the "torpedo". To do this, you can use not only individual oils, but also any combination of them – experiment for your health.

Like everything else in this world, aromatic oils are divided into two groups according to the principle of correspondence to the masculine or feminine principle. The most popular representatives of the female group are essential oils of bergamot, geranium, ylang-ylang, lavender and rosemary, and the male – patchouli and cedar.

The specifics given below are entirely on the conscience of sellers of bottles with flavors. But there will definitely be no harm from them, and skeptics can laugh for their own pleasure.

Bergamot has a positive effect on intuition and eroticism, awakens imagination and fantasy, eliminates depression and relieves nervous tension. Especially good for erotic massage.
Geranium returns freshness, brightness and strength of sensations to mature women, helping to get rid of problems and tune in to a romantic mood.
Ylang-ylang gives confidence, helps to guess the partner's innermost desires and paints intimacy in bright unique colors. Simultaneously enhances the potency of a man and the receptivity of a woman, providing both with maximum pleasure.
Lavender enhances a reverent attitude towards a partner, relieves the tension of the first date and the first night.
Rosemary makes relationships more sensual and memorable. Softens the effects of fluctuations in the female hormonal background.
Cedar gives an adventurous relationship and "predatory" love game. Inspires to conquer new and new peaks of passion.
Patchouli enhances the potency and sensuality of erogenous zones and colors erotic communication in unforgettable bright tones.

In addition to these basic notes, oils and extracts will be useful when creating aromatic masterpieces – alphabetically: verbena, vetiver, carnation, jasmine, ginger, cypress, cinnamon, frankincense, limette, lemon grass, marjoram, melissa, myrrh, myrtle, juniper, neroli, palmarosa, wormwood, rosewood, rose, rue, sandalwood, pine, dill, fennel, citronella, citrus, thyme, sage and schizandra (Manchurian lemongrass, whose extract has a scientifically proven stimulating effect).

The basic principle of creating aromatic compositions is to follow your feelings and mood, as well as the feelings of your partner. Do not forget that too much aromatic oils often have the opposite effect and can cause headaches. In addition, there is the possibility of encountering individual intolerance to a particular component.

In conclusion, we repeat once again: the effect of food, aromatic substances and pre-scientific medicine, traditionally considered aphrodisiacs, in most cases has not received scientifically substantiated confirmation (or, as in the case of the Spanish fly, it would be better if it did not receive it). Pay more attention to your nutrition, rest and sports – and then aphrodisiacs (be sure, bambara-chufara, loriki-yeriki!) they will add spice to your life.

Evgeniya Ryabtseva
Portal "Eternal youth" www.vechnayamolodost.ru
The journal version of the article was published in Popular Mechanics No. 11-2009


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