03 October 2013

Those who go to bed…

Lack and excess of sleep are equally harmful to health

Kirill Stasevich, CompulentaSleep, an important part of the circadian rhythm, affects not only the state of the nervous system, memory and the like, but also other organ systems, metabolism and the whole body in general.

Consequently, its deficiency can greatly damage health, which especially affects with age.

In the journal Sleep, a group of researchers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (USA) reports that lack of sleep in people 45 years and older is often associated with an increased risk of coronary heart failure, stroke and diabetes (Liu et al., Sleep Duration and Chronic Diseases among US Adults Age 45 Years and Older: Evidence From the 2010 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System). In addition, lack of sleep is often correlated with obesity and, of course, mental disorders. All this happens if a person sleeps six hours or less from time to time.

But the same sad consequences for health are fraught with a long sleep! Sleeping for ten or more hours will get the same complications with the heart, metabolism and nervous system. Moreover, if you sleep too long, these problems can be even more acute.

The study involved 54 thousand people, a third of whom slept too little, 4% – too much, the rest – as much as necessary, that is, 7-9 hours a day.

The fact that sleep disorders like insomnia can be associated with diseases that are not related, at first glance, to sleep, has been known for a long time. Well, apparently, even without obvious disorders, lack of sleep or oversleeping is enough to thoroughly and seemingly out of the blue shatter your health. The authors of the work, we repeat, dealt with people over forty-five; most likely, the same harmful effects of lack and excess of sleep are manifested in younger people. Although, probably, with age, the loosening of sleep and wakefulness really has a stronger effect on the condition.

Prepared based on the materials of Medical Xpress: Sleeping too little – or too much – associated with heart disease, diabetes, obesityPortal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru


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