11 April 2013

We change sodium to potassium

Consumption of potassium instead of sodium will help to maintain health

ABC MagazineIf you reduce salt intake and at the same time increase the potassium content in the diet, this can have a very beneficial effect on health.

Such a simple strategy can save millions of lives, which are annually claimed by cardiovascular diseases, heart attacks and strokes. The results of several meta-analyses confirming this fact are published in the British Medical Journal (He et al., Effect of longer term modest salt reduction on blood pressure: Cochrane systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized trials).

It is known that excess salt increases blood pressure, which, in turn, increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases and stroke. The same effect has a lack of potassium. The World Health Organization (WHO) expects to reduce salt consumption on the planet by 2025 to 5-6 g (1 teaspoon) per 1 person per day. Currently, salt consumption in many countries exceeds this threshold by at least 30 percent. British experts are even convinced that 5-6 g recommended by WHO is a lot, and suggest reducing salt intake to 3 g per day.

The first study, published in the journal BMJ, analyzed the effect of limiting daily salt intake on blood pressure, hormone and lipid levels in the blood based on 34 studies involving 3,000 people. The results of the analysis showed that even a slight reduction in salt intake (up to 5-6 g) for 4 weeks significantly reduces blood pressure, not only in hypertensive patients, but also in healthy people.

The effect is the same for people of both sexes and any race and significantly reduces the frequency of heart attacks, strokes and sudden cardiac death in the population.

Similar results were obtained during the second meta-analysis of 56 studies examining the effect of salt intake on blood pressure, lipid and catecholamine concentrations in the blood and kidney function. The results showed that reducing salt intake lowers blood pressure, even in children, but it does not affect lipids, blood hormones and kidney function. Due to this, the incidence of stroke and fatal outcome of coronary heart disease in the population decreased.

The third study analyzed the benefits of consuming an increased dose of potassium based on the results of 33 studies involving 128 thousand people. The results showed that increased potassium intake reduces blood pressure without having a negative effect on hormones and blood lipids, as well as on kidney function. Potassium intake reduces the risk of stroke by an average of 24 percent. Researchers believe that in combination with a reduction in salt intake, an increased dose of potassium will have the most beneficial effect on health. Recall that potassium is found in large quantities in fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as in legumes.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru11.04.2013

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