30 March 2010

Will beta blockers help with breast cancer?

Beta-blockers stop the spread of metastasesABC Magazine based on BBC materials: Beta-blockers 'cut cancer spread'
Drugs for regulating blood pressure can stop the spread of cancer cells in breast cancer, which leads to a decrease in mortality rates among patients using beta blockers, according to scientists from a joint group of researchers from the UK and Germany.

These drugs block the action of hormones that activate the spread of cancer through the body. Earlier studies have shown that the ability of cancer cells to infect other organs largely depends on the level of stress hormones. Beta blockers use the same receptors on the surface of cancer cells as hormones, thus reducing their ability to damage other organs.

To test this theory, 466 people with a diagnosis of breast cancer were examined, which were divided into three groups. The first group also suffered from hypertension and took beta blockers. Patients from the second group also had an additional diagnosis of hypertension, but took other medications to lower blood pressure. The third group had no problems with pressure.

In 43 patients receiving beta-blockers, a significant reduction in both metastases and new tumors in the breast area was noted. Overall, mortality in this group was 71% lower compared to patients from other groups.

To date, breast cancer in the UK annually affects more than 30 thousand people. This disease is treated successfully enough if cancer cells have not penetrated into other organs of the body, but if metastases have begun to spread throughout the body, then the chances of success decrease.

Scientists warn that, despite the encouraging results of the study, it is not necessary to prescribe beta-blockers for breast cancer yet — additional experiments are needed. But if it is possible to prove the effectiveness of beta-blockers to prevent metastases, oncologists will receive an effective and safe drug.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru30.03.2010

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