02 August 2023

Healthy sleep reduced the risk of recurrent cardiovascular events

Sleep adherence reduces the risk of recurrent cardiovascular events among patients with coronary heart disease. Sleep lasting 7-8 hours without episodes of insomnia and daytime sleepiness with early chronotype reduced the likelihood of developing heart failure and stroke.

Researchers from Huazhong University of Science and Technology studied the effect of sleep patterns on the incidence of recurrent cardiovascular complications in patients with coronary heart disease. The results of the study are published in the European Heart Journal.

The researchers found a direct relationship between sleep quality and a significant reduction in the risk of cardiovascular complications. Thus, daily sleep for 7-8 hours reduced the likelihood of recurrent cardiovascular events by 9%, the risk of heart failure by 12%, and stroke by 18%. Lack of insomnia reduced the likelihood of heart failure by 13%. Almost complete absence of daytime sleepiness reduced the risk of recurrent cardiovascular events by 14% and heart failure by 22%.

If sleep quality was rated at 4, the rate of any recurrent cardiovascular events was reduced by 14%, the risk of heart failure was reduced by 29%, and the risk of recurrent stroke was reduced by 28%.

The effect of sleep was independent of sex, age, smoking, alcohol consumption, diet quality, physical activity, body mass index, cholesterol levels, and medication intake.

Data from 21,193 patients with coronary heart disease from the UK Biobank database for 2006-2010 were analyzed. Participants ranged in age from 40 to 69 years. Sleep quality was assessed on a 0 to 4 point scale based on chronotype, sleep duration, frequency of insomnia and excessive daytime sleepiness, where 4 points reflected the best quality.

During the study period, 3771 patients had a recurrent cardiovascular event, including 1634 cases of heart failure and 704 strokes.

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