05 December 2013

About eternal life

Every fifth Russian would like to live forever, the survey showed

RIA NewsEternal life attracts 20% of Russians, which is three times less than those who are against such a prospect (62%), follows from the results of a survey conducted by the Yuri Levada analytical center.

Almost half (48%) of respondents believe that it is necessary to live as long as strength and clarity of mind remain. Two years ago, 37% of respondents thought so.

Those who want to live as long as possible turned out to be 22%. And 26% of respondents answered that they need to live as long as "God willing".

When asked about their readiness for death, Russians most often answer that they have not even thought about it (39%) or are not ready at all (38%). At the same time, 15% of respondents said they were ready.

The survey was conducted on November 15-18, 2013 among 1.6 thousand Russians in 130 localities of the country. The statistical error of the data does not exceed 3.4%.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru05.12.2013

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