14 July 2016

Alzheimer's Vaccine

The world's first dementia vaccine has been created

Medical news based on International Business Times (Alzheimer's breakthrough: Vaccine developed by Australian and US researchers may reverse dementia and Alzheimer's).

Australian scientists, together with researchers from the United States, have developed the world's first vaccine that protects against dementia. The developers claim that the introduction of the vaccine will help prevent the development of the disease and even cure patients with early stages of Alzheimer's disease.

This is the first development of this kind. The vaccine acts on tau proteins and accumulations of beta-amyloid accumulating in the brain of patients with Alzheimer's disease and presumably affecting the development of the disease.

After the introduction of the vaccine, the immune system begins to produce antibodies against these proteins, which as a result leads to their destruction. The vaccine can be used to prevent dementia, says Nikolai Petrovsky from Flinders University.

Researchers believe that the effectiveness of the vaccine is due to the fact that it acts on both beta-amyloids and tau protein.

The dementia vaccine has already been tested on cell cultures and mice. Human testing of the vaccine is expected to begin within the next two to three years. It is impossible to guarantee that it will be successful, but the developers hope that it will also be effective and will be used in clinical practice in the future.

Portal "Eternal Youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru  14.07.2016

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