12 November 2018

Another secret of the diggers

Siberian scientists: the naked digger has a better DNA repair system

"Science in Siberia"

Researchers from the Institute of Chemical Biology and Fundamental Medicine SB RAS and the Institute of Molecular and Cellular Biology SB RAS have established that the legendary longevity of the naked digger may be due to the peculiarity of its DNA repair system. An article about this was published in the journal Aging (Evdokimov et al., Naked mole rat cells display more efficient excision repair than mouse cells). 


Researchers of the IHBFM and IMCB compared how the nuclear extract of fibroblasts – cells of the connective tissue of the body synthesizing the extracellular matrix, a naked digger and a mouse reacts to the effects of UVC radiation (short-wavelength ultraviolet radiation), generating DNA lesions. Then, using the developed test systems, the DNA repair activity in the digger and mouse was investigated.

"We have found that the repair activity of damaged bases and nucleotides in the cells of a naked digger is much higher than in mouse cells. We believe that effective repair may be responsible for the fact that the rodent lives for so long," says Olga Ivanovna Lavrik, Head of the Laboratory of Bioorganic Chemistry of Enzymes of the IHBFM SB RAS, Corresponding Member of the RAS.

Scientists hope that the study of DNA repair in diggers will help to find new ways to get rid of cancer and diseases associated with aging of the body, as well as to increase the duration and quality of human life.

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