16 December 2008

Bones for injection

British doctors have developed a new chemical composition resembling toothpaste in appearance, but capable of becoming a new generation of solutions for the restoration or replacement of human bone tissue.

A new solution called "liquid bones" is injected into a damaged area of natural human bone tissue by syringe injection, where it successfully solidifies, creating a substance that is almost identical in strength and properties to real bones.

The developers say that their technology allows not only to restore bone tissue, but can also be used for targeted delivery of stem cells to a given region.

"Injectable bones represent the first complete delivery system for stem cells, a chemical solution and growth hormone to create a material capable of replacing natural bones," says Robin Quirk, a pharmacist at the University of Nottingham.

According to him, now he and the RegenTec company created within the university are looking for ways to commercialize their development.

"Injection technology in the future can reduce people's dependence on complex bone prosthetics operations, such operations are almost always expensive, cause a lot of problems for the patient and are difficult for doctors," says Quirk

The new technology also allows you to avoid fractures of weakened bones and protect neighboring areas. Experts note that after the artificial bone solidifies, the material forms a homogeneous non-porous medium that has the same thermal conductivity as real bones, so the temperature balance after injection in the body will not be disturbed and this will not cause destruction of nearby body cells.

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