09 December 2015

Cancel aging

Maxim Skulachev's lecture

Pavel Makeev, "Snob" 

A leading researcher at the Faculty of Biology of Lomonosov Moscow State University in the Chocolate Loft will talk about whether it is possible to stop human aging and why the struggle for eternal youth has turned into a pursuit of technological progress.

What happened to all the adults on Earth in those seconds when you read these lines? With Americans, Chinese, Russians and Aleuts? With us, with you, with the Pope, with the custodian of the Omar Mosque and a black shoeshine man on the outskirts of Cape Town? We've all aged a little bit. We were a few seconds closer to the inevitable end. Of course, most people don't think about it. Everyone just lives, grows old, and the wisest at the same time try to enjoy every moment of their allotted time. We used to think that aging is a natural and inevitable process. Natural – of course. But why should it be inevitable?

Even some 100 years ago, the diagnosis of "pneumonia" essentially meant a death sentence. Inevitable and natural. And even earlier, most people quite naturally died by the age of thirty from a lot of different reasons: cold, hunger, aggression from predators or neighbors, etc. Then fire, clothing, agriculture, construction of dwellings and fortifications, medicine, antibiotics, and social (legal) security in general were invented. it has grown since the days of stone axes. And it turned out that there is no inevitability in many phenomena that seemed completely beyond the control of man.

The purpose of the lecture is to try to bring to the idea that aging is an atavism program inherited from our distant ancestors. And it is quite possible to find a tool capable of spoiling this malware and canceling or at least slowing down aging.

Chocolate loft on "Red October", Bersenevskaya nab., 8, p. 1
February 9th
Beginning at 20.00
You can buy a ticket here.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru
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