28 May 2018

CAR T-therapy in Russia

Biocad invests $26 million in Gene therapy 

Ekaterina Rybachek, TechFusion

An agreement on joint scientific research of adaptive immunotherapy (CAR T-cell therapy) was signed at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum.


Sergey Kraevoy, Deputy Minister of Health of the Russian Federation, took part in the signing of an agreement on cooperation and joint research work between the Almazov National Medical Research Center and the Biocad biotechnology company at the SPIEF.

The CAR T-cell therapy method is based on the introduction of genetically modified native T-lymphocytes to the patient, providing recognition of tumor cells. The Ministry of Health, together with a pharmaceutical company, plans to build on the basis of the NMIC im. Almazova Clinic, where cancer patients will be treated with personalized biomedical cell products.

According to the agreement, the biotech company will invest $ 26 million in the infrastructure for the creation of gene therapy drugs. Investments will be made within two years. According to Dmitry Morozov, CEO of the biotech company Biocad, the task set for the parties to the agreement is quite feasible. And the creation of biocompatible drugs will help reduce cancer mortality and reduce the cost of treatment of cancer patients.

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