29 October 2018

DNA in space

Media: China launched the first space gene bank into orbit


The Chinese company Shanghai ManWei Technology has launched the first-ever DSB-01 space gene bank into orbit. This was reported on Sunday by China Central Television.

The launch was carried out on Thursday from the Taiyuan Cosmodrome (Shanxi Province, Northern China) using the Changzheng-4 launch vehicle.

According to the organizers of the project, the genetic material obtained from eight Chinese citizens will be preserved for about 1 thousand years. It is placed in a special container that is not exposed to cosmic radiation.

According to the TV channel, referring to the calculations of experts, the Earth may become unsuitable for humanity in the next 400 years as a result of depletion of the resource base and overpopulation.

"It is assumed that a new human civilization will be created with the help of this gene bank," the report says.


In the near future, Shanghai ManWei Technology is going to create a space gene bank where millions of samples will be stored. According to the company's plan, this genetic material will then be transported to Mars and "planets similar to Earth."

China is actively developing the national space program. In addition to meteorological, telecommunications and navigation satellites, the country is developing technologies for the study of asteroids and Mars, to which Chinese scientists intend to begin intensive study of the surface in 2020-2025.

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