31 August 2015

Doctors earn the most

In the TOP10 of the highest paid specialties in the United States, six are related to medicine

Anna Rodionova, Vademecum 

According to the study CareerCast.com (The Highest Paying Jobs of 2015), the top ten highest-paying jobs included six healthcare-related vacancies. The top three are surgeons, general practitioners and psychiatrists. The average salary of surgeons is $352,220. "I wonder how salaries in this category can differ," says the editor of the service Kyle Kensing.

"Depending on the profile, the salary of some surgeons can reach almost half a million dollars."

For example, the average annual salary of orthopedic surgeons is more than $464 thousand, and cardiac surgeons specializing in invasive procedures are above $461 thousand.

The annual annual earnings of a psychiatrist on average reach $181,880. The closing three leaders of general practitioners earn about $ 180 thousand per year.

In addition, dentists (fifth place in the ranking), orthodontists (seventh place) and pharmacists (tenth place) were among the ten highest-paid professions. The annual salary of a dentist on average reaches $146,340, orthodontists earn about $129,110, pharmacists - about $120,000 a year.

But getting into the TOP medical specialties involves significant investments – both financial and temporary. According to the Association of American Medical Colleges, over four years, the cost of attending medical school is $298,500 for private institutions and $226,400 for public ones.

According to Medscape.com , 41% of doctors aged 40-44 years still pay debts for medical school, for the 45-49 age category this figure is 22%, at the age of 50-54 years, 11% of doctors still have payments.

In addition to medical specialties, the rating includes such professions as an oil engineer (annual earnings - $130,050), a data analysis specialist ($124,150) and an air traffic controller ($122,340).

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