06 November 2009

Embryonic stem lungs

Lung tissue was created from embryonic stem cells
Stemcells.Ru Based on ScienceDaily: Lung Tissue Generated From Human Embryonic Stem CellsBelgian scientists from the University of Brussels have achieved differentiation of human embryonic stem cells (ESCs) into the main type of cells that make up the pulmonary epithelial tissue.

This method can provide an alternative to lung transplantation for patients with severe lung lesions as a result of chronic diseases or genetic diseases such as cystic fibrosis.

ESCs were differentiated at the air-liquid interface, which corresponds to the natural microenvironment of lung epithelial cells lining the trachea. Evaluation using quantitative real-time PCR showed the presence of characteristic markers of the pulmonary epithelium. The results of this work showed that ESCs can differentiate into the cells of the pulmonary epithelium without the influence of specific growth factors and the formation of embryoid bodies. The air-liquid surface created on a porous membrane, in combination with a low-concentration serum, proved to be a sufficient condition to direct the differentiation of ESCs in the right direction.

Further work of scientists will be aimed at improving the protocol, which will allow obtaining a greater yield of differentiated cells or cells of certain subtypes using appropriate growth factors.

The lung tissue cell cultures created in this way can be used as a model for studying various diseases, as well as for cell therapy.

The research materials are presented in the article by Lindsey Van Haute et al. Generation of lung epithelial-like tissue from human embryonic stem cells. Respiratory Research, 2009 (in press). 

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru06.11.2009

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