13 June 2017

Epochal discovery

Four main factors of high life expectancy are named


Swedish scientists have named four main factors directly related to the increase in human life expectancy. The corresponding study was published in the Journal of Internal Medicine (Larsson et al., Combined impact of healthy lifestyle factors on lifespan: two prospective cohorts), briefly reported by Medical Xpress (Lifespan up with adoption of four healthy lifestyle behaviors).

Experts believe that smoking cessation, regular physical activity (at least 150 minutes per week), moderate alcohol consumption (no more than 14 alcoholic units per week, a unit – about 30 grams of vodka) and a diet balanced in terms of nutrients and vitamins.

The study involved more than 33 thousand men and 30 thousand women aged 45 to 83 years. As of the beginning of observations (1998), cancer and cardiovascular diseases were not registered in all of them.

At the end of the study in 2014, more than 8.5 thousand men and 6.5 thousand women died in the initial group. The identification of the causes of mortality showed a strong connection between lifestyle and its duration.

For example, if the risk of dying from all causes is on average taken as one for those who comply with less than two factors, then for those who fulfill four points, it is more than twice less – 0.47 for men and 0.39 for women. According to scientists, this corresponds to an increase in average life expectancy by 4.1 and 4.9 years, respectively.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru  13.06.2017

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