05 May 2010

Five minutes of laughter is replaced... moderate physical activity

Laughter can replace physical exercise for weakened peopleABC Magazine based on LiveScience: Laughter Affects Body Like Exercise

An increase in the level of "good" cholesterol, normal blood pressure, a reduced content of stress hormones in the blood, a healthy immune system and an excellent appetite – it turns out that there is no need to spend time in the gym to achieve all this. You can just laugh regularly and heartily, American scientists assure.

In their experiment, fourteen volunteers were shown two types of videos: heavy, disturbing and aggravating the atmosphere – and funny, light and funny. Before and after viewing, the level of hormones in the blood was measured in the subjects. Scientists have shown particular interest in the hormones responsible for appetite: ghrelin, which causes hunger, and leptin, which gives a feeling of satiety.

As a "heavy" video, the participants of the experiment watched the first 20 minutes of the film "Saving Private Ryan". At the levels of ghrelin and leptin, the experiences of the actors and the audience were not particularly reflected.

However, after watching the comedies, hormone levels changed as if the subjects had previously received a certain physical load. At the same time, the level of ghrelin increased, and leptin significantly decreased. Scientists conclude that laughter is a good physical exercise for the body.

Perhaps the data obtained will allow doctors to find more effective approaches to patients suffering from a lack of appetite, but too weak to perform real physical exercises, the researchers hope.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru05.05.2010

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