13 May 2014

HIV in Russia

Almost every two hundredth Russian is infected with HIV

Copper newsIn Russia, there are 463 HIV-infected people for every 100,000 people, she said at the Fourth Conference on HIV/

AIDS in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, the head of the Ministry of Health Veronika Skvortsova. It turns out that one of the 216 inhabitants of the country is a carrier of the immunodeficiency virus. The Minister stressed that this figure is lower than in the USA (600 cases of infection per 100,000) or, for example, in Brazil (500 cases per 100,000).

Today, less than a third of HIV-infected Russians receive antiretroviral therapy. For comparison, 12 million out of 35 million patients are being treated worldwide. However, in Russia, in seven years, antiretroviral therapy has become ten times more accessible, today it is being treated by about 156 thousand people.

Every year, more than 22 million people in Russia are examined for HIV infection as part of the national Health project. In addition, almost all tuberculosis patients (96.4 percent) are tested for HIV antibodies, which is why the infection rate among them in Russia is one of the lowest in the world - 6 percent. And the course of treatment of pregnant women with HIV and chemoprophylaxis among newborn children has led to the fact that the age peak of those infected with HIV has shifted to adults over 30 years old, the head of the Ministry of Health said.

Injecting drug use remains the main method of HIV transmission. The Minister called for the development of a new strategy to reduce drug demand, since previous projects have not justified themselves: the spread of HIV infection has only intensified in the regions where pilot programs were held.

In the Russian Federation, the first case of HIV infection was officially registered in 1987. Since then, the country has become a participant in many scientific and social projects aimed at combating infection. So, Russian scientists will present one of the prototypes of a vaccine against HIV infection by the end of this year, Skvortsova promised.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru13.005.2014

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