13 January 2009

Hybrid embryos were not given grants

Funding for stem cell research suspended
Funding halted for stem cell research
Steve Connor, The Independent, 13 January 2009
Translation: Inopressa

Funding for stem cell research in the UK has been suspended – apparently for moral and ethical reasons. We are talking about advanced work on the creation of hybrid embryos: the nucleus of a human cell is embedded in an animal egg. Less than a year ago, this controversial method was resolved by law, the adoption of which was welcomed by leading scientists and politicians.

The agencies distributing the funds refuse to finance these studies, and existing projects may be completely suspended in a few weeks. According to the assumptions of the researchers involved in the development, the committees refuse to grant applications, guided by the belief that it is unethical to mix human cells with the eggs of cows, pigs or rabbits.

Hybrid embryos, scientists hope, will allow to grow embryonic stem cells from the patient's skin and use them as individual medicines for cardiovascular diseases, Parkinson's disease and diabetes, the newspaper writes. However, two out of three British scientists licensed to create hybrid embryos from human cells and animal eggs have not received grants. They were only told that their projects could not withstand competition with others. The third has not yet submitted an application.

Portal "Eternal youth" www.vechnayamolodost.ru13.01.2009

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