13 October 2009

Methuselah Foundation Award

The Methuselah Foundation's special Award "For Achievement in Life Extension" (Mdrize Lifespan Achievement Award) was awarded to David Sharp from the University of Texas, the leader of the first successful attempt to extend the life of laboratory mice using pharmaceutical exposure. The study, the results of which were published this summer in the journal Nature, showed that the constant intake of the immunosuppressant rapamycin, even started at an average (for mice) age, can significantly prolong the life of animals.

The Methuselah Foundation is a non–profit and non-governmental organization named after the Biblical patriarch, who, according to the Bible, lived 969 years, "to draw attention to the possibilities of new technologies to slow down or even reverse the destruction caused by the aging process." The M Prize (Methuselah Mouse Prize) is an award that is awarded for the next achievements in the field of prolonging the life of mice (Longevity Prize – for a new absolute record of life expectancy, Rejuvenation Prize – for another achievement in the rejuvenation of adult mice). From time to time, as in this case, awards are also given to scientists who have achieved significant results outside of these two nominations in the study of the mechanisms of aging and the possibilities of prolonging youth and increasing life expectancy.

The award ceremony was held on Thursday, October 8, at the Friars Club in New York with the participation of Dave Gobel, Executive Director of the Methuselah Foundation, Roger Holzberg, CEO of the My Bridge 4 Life social network, which unites people with serious illnesses, the famous gerontologist Huber Warner, Keith Keith Murphy, director of Organovo, a company developing the technology of "volumetric printing" of living tissues and organs. The presenter was "Dr. Max" – a popular TV presenter Max Gomez, specializing in the popularization of medical news.

According to D. Sharpe, he was flattered, excited and embarrassed by the recognition of his merits and grateful to the Methuselah Foundation for this great honor. D. Gobel, in turn, said that the Methuselah Foundation received a happy chance to celebrate the work of Dr. Sharp, which initiated the study of the possibility of pharmaceutical life extension, and is potentially very important for further research in this area.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru based on the materials of the Methuselah Foundation: Scientist to be Awarded Special 'Mprize' by the Methuselah Foundation for Work in Extending the Lifespan of Mice13.10.2009

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