31 March 2017

Neutron accelerator for oncologists

A device capable of treating inoperable cancer has been created in Russia

Ilya Vedmedenko, Naked Science

Russian specialists have created a compact neutron accelerator to fight inoperable cancer, in particular, brain tumors.


Scientists from the Novosibirsk Institute of Nuclear Physics (INP) SB RAS presented to the First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Alexander Zhukov a working sample of a compact accelerator neutron source "Tandem-BNZT". The accelerator will be used to treat cancerous tumors that cannot be surgically removed. We are talking, first of all, about glioblastomas of the brain and melanoma metastases.

The device uses the concept of boron-neutron capture therapy (BNRT), which makes it possible to effectively infect only the cells of malignant tumors. At the first stage, a boron-containing solution is injected into the patient's blood, as a result of which boron accumulates in cancer cells. At the second stage, the tumor is exposed to a stream of epithelial neutrons. When they are absorbed by boron nuclei, a nuclear reaction occurs with a large energy release, and cancer cells die. It is worth noting that the described method should not harm healthy cells.

Novosibirsk scientists have been working on the device for more than 20 years. But they are not alone: today there are four installations in the world that generate neutrons with the necessary parameters for the successful fight against severe oncological diseases. However, only Tandem-BNZT passed the first therapeutic tests.

However, so far there is no talk of mass use of the Novosibirsk device: first it must undergo a cycle of preclinical and clinical trials. Then you will need to create the necessary infrastructure. The clinic where they plan to test the device, they want to place it in one of the buildings of the NSU (Novosibirsk State University).

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru  31.03.2017

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