03 September 2013

Rapists and maniacs, don't forget about condoms!

HIV-infected victim infected rapist

 MedikForum(It seems that The Telegraph was the first to publish this news with reference to unknown news agencies: Rapist discovers he may have contracted HIV from victim – VM.)

A 27-year-old rapist from the UK fainted when he was informed that he could have contracted HIV from his victim. It is possible that along with the prison term, he will receive an incurable virus so far.

When the police informed Richard Thomas that the woman he had raped was HIV-infected, he lost consciousness and collapsed on the floor. Naturally, at the time of the rape, the man did not think about using a condom. It is reported that Thomas knew his victim in advance, and was aware that she had another disease, but he did not even suspect about HIV.

A few months ago, Thomas snuck into a woman's house in the middle of the night, and she woke up at the moment when the attacker was committing violent acts. Prosecutor Harry Pepper told the court that the woman froze in horror and did not utter a word. Thomas finished his business and walked away. Only after that the woman called the police.

Thomas was arrested within an hour. At the police station, he stated that he was addicted to alcoholic beverages, took cocaine and ecstasy, and therefore could not remember anything. Richard didn't remember the rape itself either, but he didn't argue, and said that if "a woman says how I raped her, then she won't lie – what's done is done."

When the police told about the HIV victim, the rapist collapsed. And then he demanded to urgently take him to the hospital for an HIV test. The judge sentenced the criminal to 4 and a half years in prison, but he has yet to find out his exact diagnosis.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru03.09.2013

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