14 April 2011

Taking a leisurely step away from Parkinson's disease

Treadmill improves the condition of parkinsonism patientsABC Magazine
People with Parkinson's disease who train on a treadmill at a low speed have significantly improved gait and coordination of movements.

This conclusion was reached during the first randomized study on this topic by scientists from the University of Maryland.

67 patients were divided into 3 groups: in the first, the load on the treadmill was quite intense, but short-term, half an hour; for the second, the minimum speed was used, but the training time was 50 minutes; the third group pumped the press, and also performed various gymnastic exercises.

All study participants trained three times a week for three months under the supervision of physiologists at a medical center in Baltimore. The results were evaluated according to a unified rating scale. They were the best in the second group.

Speaking at the 63rd conference of the American Society of Neurology, Dr. Lisa Shulman, one of the authors of the study (Study: Low Intensity Treadmill Exercise is Best to Improve Walking in Parkinson's), noted that this is good news, because low-intensity exercise is available for the vast majority of patients with Parkinson's disease.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru14.04.2011

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