06 February 2024

Doctors explained, refusal of what in the diet makes the blood thicker

"In the hustle and bustle of life, it is the male gender that is vulnerable. And that's where women come into the picture. How many men have we saved with them? In two years, the count has gone into the hundreds," writes Mark Gadziyan, candidate of medical sciences, surgeon and oncourologist.

Timely diagnosis and following simple rules in nutrition - such things can not be ignored, even if there is a caring other half. Mark Gadziyan, based on his own practice of working with patients, explained exactly what should not be neglected - it takes away health. The refusal of simple pure water (in favor of tea, coffee, sodas and other drinks) or insufficient fluid intake is a mistake many people make.

The doctor warned that it is harmful to drink less than one liter of fluid per day. In this case, "the risk of both urolithiasis and blood clotting is greatly increased," the specialist emphasized.

According to Gadziyan, two glasses of water after waking up helps to activate the work of internal organs. He also advised drinking water shortly before meals, before bathing (one glass of water helps lower blood pressure) and even before going to bed. "One glass of water before going to bed can help prevent stroke and heart attack," the doctor writes.

As Zukhra Pavlova, an endocrinologist at the Moscow State University Hospital, noted earlier, it is no less important to drink water in winter than in summer. "As strange as it may sound, but in winter it is easier to get dehydration," - said the expert, adding that in the cold we want to drink much less often than in the hot days, but this does not mean that the body does not need enough fluid. Water "helps thin the blood, reduce the concentration of toxins in the blood", reminded Zuhra Pavlova.

Oksana Drapkina, the chief freelance specialist in therapy and general medical practice of the Ministry of Health of Russia, explained how to drink water correctly, what volume the body needs per day. The average norm for an ordinary person is 30 ml per one kilogram of body weight, and for those who are engaged in active physical activity - 40 ml per one kilogram.

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