Tetravalent antibody
FluA-20 prevented infection or disease in mice infected with four different strains of influenza A virus.
20.05.2019FluA-20 prevented infection or disease in mice infected with four different strains of influenza A virus.
20.05.2019The new strategy will not be aimed at the complete destruction of tumor cells in the body, but at stopping their development.
20.05.2019The study of twins showed the genetic roots of dog breeding. It turned out that people get dogs because of genes, but which ones are still unknown.
20.05.2019Just five years after the discovery of CRISPR, DARPA initiated the "Safe Genes" program.
20.05.2019Genetic profiling of cancer cells can help doctors target tumors and monitor treatment more effectively.
20.05.2019Recently, nutrition experts have been increasingly concerned about so-called ultra-processed foods.
20.05.2019Scientists suggest that constant access to a varied diet disrupts the symbiosis of bacteria and host organisms.
17.05.2019Insomnia worsens mood, attention and concentration, but especially strongly affects memory.
17.05.2019A new method of cell separation allows 99% of circulating tumor cells (CCCs) to be fished out of the blood.
17.05.2019The transplanted organ may not take root even if it is fully compatible with the proteins of the main histocompatibility complex.
17.05.2019Startups focused on using the CRISPR system have become the focus of investors' attention.
17.05.2019A drug for Alzheimer's disease based on a new principle has confirmed safety in the first phase of clinical trials.
16.05.2019The non-profit consortium Walk Again Project has returned the ability to walk to two patients with lower limb paralysis.
16.05.2019Russia has not been left on the sidelines of the development of CRISPR methods, which can make Russia less dependent on imported crop products.
16.05.2019The high-precision laser microscope is able to diagnose and treat diseases, including skin cancer, in a completely non-invasive way.
16.05.2019Biologists have created a strain of Escherichia coli, whose genome has been completely synthesized anew.
16.05.2019The gel composition allows you to almost instantly seal any damaged vessels and even cuts on the heart.
16.05.2019The work of American scientists shows that the gut microbiota plays an important role in the relationship between stress and autoimmune diseases.
16.05.2019A group of Brazilian researchers has developed a strategy that slows down the growth of triple negative breast cancer cells.
15.05.2019Under the action of free radicals on telomeres, they began to "deteriorate", chromosomes began to stick together, and when cells tried to divide, they died.
15.05.2019You can write to the editor at:
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