Eye drops against cataracts
The experimental compound dissolves cataract-forming protein aggregates in mouse lenses and human lens tissue samples.
09.11.2015The experimental compound dissolves cataract-forming protein aggregates in mouse lenses and human lens tissue samples.
09.11.2015Elderly people who had fractures as a result of osteoporosis were twice as likely to die prematurely than those who had no fractures during the observation period.
09.11.2015Success in the treatment of cancer may depend, among other things, on the inhabitants of the patient's intestines. Two studies on mice have shown that bacteria in the intestines can affect the effectiveness of therapy.
09.11.2015It has long been known that calorie restriction significantly increases the lifespan of microorganisms and rodents. But whether a person is following their path in this matter still remains one of the main intrigues of the science of aging.
09.11.2015The idea of replacing real skin with a material grown in the laboratory seems quite attractive to researchers – this would avoid serious complications and speed up the healing process.
09.11.2015Implantation of electrodes can help not only with the consequences of brain injuries to military and stroke survivors, but also to anyone who loses memory during the natural aging process.
09.11.2015Why a person needs bifidobacteria and why the use of probiotics may be ineffective.
09.11.2015Researchers from Bournemouth University have found that, despite the obvious health benefits of omega-3 fatty acids, their use in depression does not make sense.
09.11.2015It's too early to talk about the girl's complete recovery, but she is alive and well. Full-fledged clinical trials of the new method will begin in 2016, which may prove that the first successful result was not accidental.
06.11.2015A fried fact on a very topical topic, about the death of a Spaniard who ate a tomato with a built-in fish gene, stirred up the Runet. At the same time, no one bothers to check if there was a boy.
06.11.2015The striking results of clinical trials of blocking the "brakes" of the immune response marked the beginning of a new era in cancer treatment, in which immunotherapy is certainly one of the main roles.
06.11.2015Biotech startup Editas Medicine will begin clinical trials of CRISPR/Cas9 technology for targeted editing of the human genome within the next two years.
06.11.2015The results obtained are very promising not only for cancer treatment, but also for the finances of patients. Modern drugs for the treatment of sarcomas cost patients more than $ 10,000 per month, whereas a monthly course of propranolol costs about $ 4.
05.11.2015The personalized medical products obtained with the help of magnetic field-controlled 3D printing will be both stronger and lighter than modern analogues, and their shape will ensure maximum efficiency and patient comfort.
05.11.2015A new stage in cancer treatment began on October 27, 2015. The FDA considered the clinical trials of genetically modified T-VEC viruses in the treatment of melanoma to have been successfully completed.
05.11.2015All technologies (and biomedical ones are no exception) go through the stage of discovery, increased expectations, often a decline, and then either implementation (and a more sober attitude to them), or oblivion if expectations were not met.
05.11.2015In recent years, Switzerland has been actively developing innovative medical technologies based on in-depth knowledge from the field of genetics and on the unique capabilities of modern computing systems.
05.11.2015The safety of a therapeutic vaccine to combat human papillomavirus strains of high oncogenic risk – HPV 16 and 18, will be tested during the first phase of clinical trials.
03.11.2015A series of events aimed at coordinating innovative and business cooperation between Germany and Russia in the field of industrial biotechnology and bioeconomics will be held in Moscow and Pushchino on November 15-19, 2015.
03.11.2015Researchers at the University of California at San Diego have developed a model that can be used to predict the side effects of the drug when it is used by different patients.
03.11.2015You can write to the editor at:
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