10 October 2012

An important step to creating a cream for the treatment of melanoma

A cream will help with melanoma

Elena Subbotina, Rossiyskaya GazetaScientists from Australia have invented a new remedy for the most insidious and dangerous type of skin cancer – melanoma.

A group of specialists from the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology has successfully synthesized a peptide that mimics the myxoma virus, which kills melanoma, reports Science Alert (Skin cancer cream a step closer).

The peptide obtained by the researchers – a chain of amino acids – affects harmful melanoma cells, leaving human skin cells unharmed.

According to scientists, it would be possible to artificially synthesize the protein of the myxoma virus, but this is too expensive and unsafe due to the fact that the virus is capable of mutation. A peptide is a more reliable and financially profitable tool.

"By synthesizing a peptide that mimics the action of a protein, we have obtained a stable, safe, effective and profitable alternative," said Dr. Tegrid Istivan.

According to him, the results of the study will help in the development of a new, progressive method of treatment for melanoma, which is very common in Australia.

"Australia has the highest incidence of melanoma in the world, more than 11 thousand new cases are diagnosed annually," Dr. Istivan stressed. According to him, currently the only effective treatment of melanoma at an early stage is surgical removal of the tumor.

Now, based on the peptide, scientists want to make a special cream for melanoma, which will be effective at an early stage of the disease.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru10.10.2012

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