Heart attack: Reboot
Removal of abnormal regulatory T-lymphocytes after a heart attack prevents the development of chronic heart failure.
17.09.2018Removal of abnormal regulatory T-lymphocytes after a heart attack prevents the development of chronic heart failure.
17.09.2018Academician Sergey Lukyanov – about the medicines of the future and the state of modern biomedicine in Russia.
17.09.2018The preparation based on collagen and the products of the secretion of mesenchymal stem cells stimulates the formation of spermatozoa.
17.09.2018The antibiotic code-named G0775 is an order of magnitude more effective than its predecessor in fighting gram-negative bacteria.
14.09.2018Marijuana and its drugs quickly and effectively relieve the symptoms of a wide range of diseases, including pain and insomnia.
12.09.2018Myocardial infarction leads to activation of the vascular endothelium and thereby increases the risk of repeated vascular catastrophe.
10.09.2018Immunotherapy and a new adjuvant to the melanoma vaccine made it possible to achieve one hundred percent survival in mice.
10.09.2018The new drug suppresses pain 100 times more effectively than morphine, is not addictive and can be used to treat drug addiction.
07.09.2018Scientists have discovered thousands of combinations of four and five drugs that are extremely effective in killing harmful bacteria.
07.09.2018Prostate adenocarcinoma under the influence of hormone therapy can transform into a more dangerous neuroendocrine form.
06.09.2018The new antibodies destroy ovarian cancer cells by binding to two targets on their surface.
05.09.2018The new drug effectively slows down brain shrinkage in patients with multiple sclerosis.
03.09.2018Pathogens of one respiratory tract disease are used against the pathogen of another, similar ailment.
31.08.2018The natural carbohydrate trehalose activates a gene in liver cells that increases tissue sensitivity to insulin, reducing the risk of developing diabetes mellitus.
29.08.2018Capsules with insulin in the form of an ionic liquid, which permanently reduce the level of glucose in the blood, have been successfully tested on rats.
28.08.2018A malignant tumor can be put to sleep without interfering with cellular DNA – you can simply turn off the proteins that help cells divide.
27.08.2018Some antibodies were able to mimic a protein that supports the viability of nerve cells.
27.08.2018Noninvasive eye examination can help determine Alzheimer's disease even before the development of clinical symptoms.
27.08.2018A large clinical trial of a new drug demonstrates significant improvements in patients.
27.07.2018IgM class antibodies, or M immunoglobulins, can provide effective protection against HIV-1.
26.07.2018You can write to the editor at:
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