Minutes instead of a week
A new inexpensive test will allow you to diagnose the resistance of bacteria to antibiotics in just a few minutes.
17.10.2018A new inexpensive test will allow you to diagnose the resistance of bacteria to antibiotics in just a few minutes.
17.10.2018The latest study identified patients with oncopathology with 100% accuracy and excluded healthy ones.
17.10.2018Vaccination will not protect people from malaria, but will make the mosquitoes that have bitten them unable to spread the pathogen of the disease.
12.10.2018Scientists have found signs that make it possible to diagnose the condition of prediabetes 10-20 years before the development of the disease itself.
08.10.2018All it requires is a drop of blood, a test strip, a digital camera and 20 minutes of waiting.
05.10.2018The combination of the two drugs helped the monkeys' body get rid of the virus, "entrenched" in their immune cells.
04.10.2018Ciprofloxacin and related drugs irreversibly disrupt the mitochondria, causing severe side effects.
04.10.2018One of the authors of a paper published in 2014 plans to test the combination of bacterial cancer therapy with immunotherapy.
03.10.2018Researchers have found out how leukemia steals glucose from healthy cells, and found a simple way to restore the disturbed balance.
03.10.2018The use of aspirin can prolong the life of cancer patients and reduce the prevalence of metastases.
02.10.2018Details about the works that initiated cancer immunotherapy, the authors of which were awarded the Nobel Prize this year.
02.10.2018The new anti-cancer vaccine is "customized" in a specific way for each patient, providing personalized treatment.
01.10.2018Fecal transplantation will help people with cancer to cope with the consequences of taking antibiotics that harm the microbiota.
01.10.2018Regular administration of insulin into the rectum suppresses chronic intestinal inflammation in a mouse model of the disease.
27.09.2018The prototype of an HIV drug has passed the first clinical trial – it successfully suppressed infection in the body of volunteers
27.09.2018The creator of Facebook will finance scientists involved in the collection, storage, search and processing of biomedical visual information.
26.09.2018So far, the new drug has been tested only on mice, the next stage of the study is human trials.
25.09.2018uBiome startup is confident that knowledge about the composition of the microbiome will help create a new class of drugs.
25.09.2018A new laboratory test allows the blood test to detect pancreatic cancer in the early stages with a 96% probability.
19.09.2018Austrian and Russian scientists have begun work on the creation of a vaccine against allergies to cats, called the Cats Project.
18.09.2018You can write to the editor at:
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