It won't reach people soon
eGenesis is currently testing the organs of genetically modified pigs on monkeys.
14.06.2019eGenesis is currently testing the organs of genetically modified pigs on monkeys.
14.06.2019After the use of antisense oligonucleotides, the level of alpha-synuclein in mice decreased by 81%.
13.06.2019A group of scientists from Harvard has successfully made changes to the genes of stem cells without removing them from the body.
06.06.2019It is unknown how successful the projects to create synthetic genomes will be, but in any case they will benefit science and practice.
04.06.2019Despite the failures in the past, gene therapy is able to improve the situation in the treatment of severe hereditary diseases.
03.06.2019To enhance the virulence of the fungus infecting mosquitoes, its genome was modified by embedding an insect-specific toxin gene.
31.05.2019A new technique of genetic engineering makes artificial DNA invisible to the protective system of bacteria.
29.05.2019Experiments on chimeric mice helped molecular biologists to isolate a gene whose increased activity leads to the development of Down syndrome.
24.05.2019The first case of the appointment of personalized therapy to a patient with colorectal cancer, selected with the help of fruit flies, is described.
23.05.2019Doctor of Biological Sciences Konstantin Severinov – about how and why scientists are trying to revive extinct species.
23.05.2019Edited genes help B-lymphocytes fight viruses, against which it is difficult to create a vaccine.
22.05.2019Just five years after the discovery of CRISPR, DARPA initiated the "Safe Genes" program.
20.05.2019Russia has not been left on the sidelines of the development of CRISPR methods, which can make Russia less dependent on imported crop products.
16.05.2019Biologists have created a strain of Escherichia coli, whose genome has been completely synthesized anew.
16.05.2019The world–famous scientist Shukhrat Mitalipov - about the wonders of gene editing and the revolution in the fight against infertility.
15.05.2019Doctors from the United States have announced plans to introduce a method of gene therapy, the purpose of which will be a significant reduction in the risk of a heart attack.
15.05.2019Thanks to a new gene to replace the mutated one, children with myopathy began to move almost without assistance.
14.05.2019Any library can be preserved forever in a teaspoon of oligopeptide molecules consisting of different amounts of amino acids.
13.05.2019Genetically modified bacteriophages have been used for the first time to treat an antibiotic-resistant infection.
13.05.2019The gene therapy drug microRNA protects the heart tissue after a heart attack and promotes its regeneration.
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